The Three Most Common Knee Injuries - Everything You Need To Know
Posted on 24th October 2022 at 12:52
We want to help you recognise the three most common causes of knee pain and the symptoms. Even a "niggly" knee can develop into a serious, long-term issue if left untreated. Here are some ways to stop the issue from happening again and some tips to help relieve the problem. It’s important to book an appointment with a qualified therapist (we have plenty here!) so someone can evaluate the problem for you - especially if you’re unsure of its cause.
Hands up, who suffers from knee pain?
Runners make up a large portion of our knee pain clientele, but people of all ages and walks of life can have discomfort in their knees for all sorts of reasons, including those relating to sports and work. The most prevalent causes of knee pain are muscle imbalances, inadequate hip stability, or a weak core, despite the widespread belief that improper footwear or strain is to blame.
ITBS (aka Iliotibial band syndrome)
In runners, ITBS is the leading cause of knee pain. Friction, discomfort, and inflammation are brought on by the tensor fascia latae muscle's long tendon (called the illiotibial band) rubbing on the exterior of the knee joint.
• weak hip muscles, particularly the gluteus medius, can be a large factor.
• over pronation or poor foot biomechanics may increase the risk of injury.
• running on hills or on cambered roads regularly can make things more challenging.
Symptoms include:
• pain on the outside of the knee which gets progressively worse as you run.
• there can be pain on bending and straightening your leg.
• if you bend your knee to 45 degrees or more you get pain on the outside of the knee.
• warm up properly before you start your runs or exercise.
• check the camber of the road and try to stick to even surfaces or even a treadmill.
• rest or cross-train to take pressure away from ITB.
• book a sports massage to release the quadriceps, hamstrings, TFL and ITB.
• stretch regularly or use a foam roller.
• strengthening exercises for your glutes.
Jumper’s knee (aka patella tendinopathy)
This is an overuse injury that shows up as pain at the bottom of your kneecap. Too much running or jumping causes inflammation or degeneration of the tissues. Patellar tendinopathy can be difficult to get over quickly, so rest is extremely important as is a solid rehabilitation plan to get you back to training without risk of re-injury.
Causes include:
• poor foot mechanics.
• muscle imbalances.
• incorrect training plans.
Symptoms include:
Click• tender feeling when pressing into the tendon below the knee cap.
• knee may look slightly larger or puffier than the other knee due to the inflammation.
• contracting quads can feel achy or even painful.
• jumping exercises can cause pain or discomfort. on this text to edit it.
Prevention/treatment includes:
• reducing the initial pain and inflammation through rest and ice.
• rehabilitation program which will include strengthening exercises.
• quad stretching exercises.
• sports massage to ease tension in the thighs.
Patella femoral syndrome (aka runner’s knee)
PFS happens when the kneecap isn’t tracking correctly and rubs on the femur bone underneath. This causes irritation or damage to the cartilage, resulting in pain.
• overuse.
• too much, too soon.
• high impact through the knee.
• incorrect patella tracking due to muscle imbalances.
Symptoms include:
• aching pain in the front of the knee around and under the patella.
• tenderness along the inside of the kneecap.
• swelling may happen after exercise.
• worsening when walking up and down hills.
• becoming worse after sitting for long periods of time.
Prevention/treatment includes:
• identifying the causes.
• strengthening muscles, particularly Vastus Medialis (the inside quad).
• stretching the quads.
• apply PRICE principles (protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation) after exercise.
• rest completely from activities that make it worse until the pain has gone.
• a patella-tracking knee brace or support may help.
• sports massage to loosen tight tissues.
Maintenance massages will help you stay in top shape and prevent injury. Massage, taping and strengthening exercises can all help.
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